
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that treats patients by insertion and manipulation of needles in the body. Here at Whetton Chiropractic Center, we focus on the body as a whole. When a patient comes into our office with a complaint and seeks an alternative treatment to ease their ailments we consider Acupuncture very seriously as an option to help in treatment. When diagnosing a patient for Acupuncture, we look for the root cause of their problem to be able to correct the imbalance.

Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporates Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Herbs to help regulate the body’s energy and bring it back into balance. We have all of these tools at our disposal to give a full scope of treatment and to better serve the general public.

You may have heard the Theory of Yin and Yang. This theory explains that all phenomena consist of two opposite aspects, Yin and Yang. They are variously defined as light and dark, hot and cold, up and down, etc. This ancient method of diagnosing dates back to before 200 BC. The term QI is used to describe the body’s energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine attributes disease and pathology to disturbances or imbalances in the metaphysical force known as qi (a word variously translated as “energy”, “breath”, or “vital energy”).

acupunture, acupuncture in northern utah

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Amazing experience! Dr. Whetton explained all the benefits of acupuncture and cupping before treatment and I was blown away how effective it was. I’ll definitely be back for further treatments, thanks so much!

Curtis Cowan


Whetton Chiropractic

Health & Wellness Center



4640 S 3500 W, West Haven, UT 84401